How To Make Money Online From Home: The 4 Step Guide

how to make online from home

How to Make Money Online from Home.

how to make money online from home

Unlock the Gateway to Earning from Home with Affiliate Marketing!

Embarking on the journey of making money online from the comfort of your home? Look no further—affiliate marketing is your golden ticket!

You might wonder, “Can I really make a living out of this?” The answer is a resounding YES! Countless individuals are thriving as successful affiliate marketers, and you can undoubtedly join their ranks.

Contrary to any intimidation you may feel, affiliate marketing is not as complex as it may appear. In fact, it unfolds in just four simple steps, making it incredibly accessible for anyone willing to dive in.

Consider this: the internet is the hub where millions explore products and services daily. Now, envision yourself claiming a slice of that vast online pie, not just for financial gain but to sculpt the lifestyle you genuinely deserve.

As our traditional high streets transform into coffee shop havens and online giants like Amazon dominate retail, it’s clear—adapting to the digital era is the way forward.

Let’s break it down. In this guide, I’ll unveil the four straightforward steps to mastering affiliate marketing. It’s time to step into this lucrative realm and craft a profession you can genuinely be proud of. Ready to make your move? Dive in!

The 4 Simple Step Guide to Affiliate Marketing

how to make money online from home

Step 1 Choose an Interest – Hobby or Niche

Your chosen niche is what your website will be about.

Every interest or passion is a niche market so its best to go with something you are interested in yourself because you will be writing content to help people with their problem and ultimately point them in the direction of how and where to make their purchase.

So, your chosen niche needs to be enjoyable for you.

You don’t need to be an expert in your niche but as you research and put out content you certainly will become one.

Once you have chosen your niche you usually need to look at narrowing it down i.e if your niche is in ‘fitness’ then you would narrow it down to focus on those interested in, fitness equipment. See my point?

A Niche is a point of interest narrowed down to target a certain market and in every niche, there is a market.

And in every market, there are millions of potential customers.

how to make money online from home

Step 2 Building a Website

Actually building the website is the easiest part so there is no need for you to be concerned if you do not have any experience in website building (I don’t know the first thing about that side of things and we don’t need too). 

Nowadays the backend technical side of things are taken care off so you don’t need to learn website coding and all that techie stuff, which quite frankly can be just daunting.

So the actual building of your website takes just 30 seconds!

And the best parts are choosing your brand name and picking your website theme. 

how to make money online from home

Step 3 Attract Visitors

Once you have your website all set up the next step is to optimize your site for search engines optimization (SEO).

The key to a successful website is traffic and this can be achieved in many ways.

Organic traffic is not only the best traffic but it is free traffic.

The key to attracting organic traffic is based on good keyword research and good informative content which is written in a natural conversational way.

Personally, I use the Jaaxy keyword research tool which makes this a total breeze,

I can find what people are actually typing into the search engine and home in on that information.

Below is a link to my review on the Jaaxy tool where you can have an instant go at playing with keywords.

Oh and did I mention the Jaaxy lite version is free and there really is no need to spend any money by upgrading as the lite version quite suffices.

>Click here to read my full Jaaxy review and have a free play around with some potential keywords<<

how to make money online from home

Step 4 Earn Revenue

The goal here is to make a consistent passive income which could ultimately lead to financial and time freedom right?

As an affiliate marketer, your job is to provide the right information and put it in front of the right people at the right time.

By learning how to utilize our keyword research skills. i.e target those who are looking for you.

What’s more, is that many established companies use the affiliate marketing strategy instead of having an in-house marketing team, this in effect means they have affiliates all over the web promoting their products/service and for each sale, they, in turn, pay a commission which works out more cost effective for them.

As you progress with your understanding of affiliate marketing you will establish all the ways in which to not leave any money on the table as you build out affiliate programs.

Here is a simple flow chart to show you how this all falls into place.

how to make money online from home

 Affiliate Marketing Simplified and summarised

Affiliate Marketers promote established companies products or services while getting paid a commission for each sale. 

Your website visitors find you because you have targeted the keywords in which they have used for their initial search engine search.

Your job is to provide the reader with all the necessary information to help them in making their purchasing decision and you, in turn, earn a revenue.

In simpler terms, you provide good informative information on a product and then send your visitors over to Amazon  (or whoever you have your affiliate deal with) where the final sale will take place. 

Relevant affiliate programmes are everywhere;

Let’s say you have a website dedicated to fitness equipment and you want to promote fitness equipment to your audience, below is how you find affiliate programs to join, using Google.

how to make money online from home

Straight away you have pages and pages of potential affiliate programs, which you can sign up to in an instant, with thousands of products to potentially promote.

Why Affiliate Marketing and Who It’s For;

Creating a successful affiliate marketing business earns many people full-time incomes with no handling of products or shipping involved.

It all depends on you and how hard you are willing to work. You can dig further into this by reading my can I make money in affiliate marketing article.

Because, there is no earning ceiling, how much do you want to earn? 

Your commission is based on various elements like how much the product costs and what percentage your affiliate deal offers you in return for any sales that come via your website.

It’s an ideal way to start a business while you are still working full or part-time, a student or a stay at home parents that have very to no start-up costs in comparison to other business start-ups.

A persistent hard worker will always earn more than a slacker.

Taking your business serious will pay off financially, consistency is keyhere.

What’s Next? Start building your Website Today

Do you want to know my special secret of where I myself learned my affiliate marketing skills and created this website?

I am a member of a fantastic website hosting platform called Wealthy Affiliate.

Here  I learned all I needed to know by initially completing their ‘online entrepreneur certification’ course.

Which was interactive and very easy to follow.

Without fail, I  catch the weekly live classes or grab them on ‘catch up’ if I am busy at the time.

 Where else would I get to get to rub shoulders with some of the best affiliate marketers the web has to offer and take full advantage of their training and valuable advice they give to the community for free.

With over 1.5 million members, Wealthy Affiliate was founded in 2005 by Kyle and Carson.

Their mantra is to be the best learning platform on the internet which is geared around the success of affiliate marketers of all levels.  From beginners to experts they want you to be successful.

The hosting is second to none, your website is fast, secure and sophisticated all which leads to better rankings in the search engines. 

Every tool you need to complete the 4 step guide to affiliate marketing is provided here.

Why is Wealthy Affiliate so popular

The reason why this platform is so popular and successful and you even have the option of the free membership, with two free websites,  is that its success is down to it being geared around your success. It won’t take you long to realize the truth of my statement,

You won’t find any other online learning platform which is an all-inclusive website hosting platform that provides members with all the tools, education and expertise needed to achieve a successful online business.

You can get going straight away using your free website as you follow along with the simple training process.

At this point you have two options, you can either read my full review of the wealthy affiliate platform to asses for yourself if this will be the best place for you start your learning journey or you can jump straight in and start building your website right now.

>>Fancy Building a Website Right Now? CLICK HERE!<<

In this article, you read the simple 4 steps that are critical for affiliate marketing and you were also shown where you can get started. But If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments section below and I will be happy to help you out, I always do!



  1. Hi Dianne, I must say that this article is very helpful and informative. I think that affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money online without too many expenses. Jaaxy is my favorite tool, I find there are millions of keywords which are low-competitive and I would definitely recommend it to all folks who start an online business.

    • Hey Daniel,

      Yes, Jaaxy is just great, I could literally spend all day checking out keywords! they really are an eye opener as to what search terms people are actually using rather than taking a guess. Very effective!

      Nice to hear from you 🙂

  2. Thank you for the great article! It is very easy to read and understand, because you give simple answers on how to build your business from scratch. It sounds like something that everyone should do, don’t you agree?

    I will definitely take a look at this website and recommend it to people.

    Thank you again, and have a great day!

    All the best

    • Hey Sebastian, I without a doubt agree that every affiliate marketer should follow these 4 simple steps to build a business from scratch.

      Thank you and have a great day also!

  3. I also use the Jaaxy keyword research tool and I have had nothing but good results. 

    I got noticed by Google a few days after publishing my first article. It was such a beautiful surprise to me since I expected that it would take some time.

    Furthermore, I’ve been getting lots of comments on my articles and that means traffic. But, I have not started monetizing my blog yet, I will do so soon. 

    • This is great to hear Destiny

      Jaaxy really gives us the advantage of knowing what is current and what is actually being searched which leads to traffic.

  4. Hello Dianne, I am very happy to say that your post was a very interesting read. You’re doing a great job man, keep it up. 

    Affiliate Marketing is one of the best ways to earn from home now and in the future. The 4 steps you discuss are critical for affiliate marketing and very important for successful profitable online business. 

    What I love about Wealthy Affiliate is that there to help you even if you are a starter and make you a giant earner online. There is a large community of like-minded people who have the same desire to create an online business and make money from home, feel free to join.

    • Hey Topazdude,

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experience. Have a great day!

  5. Loving these steps Dianne!

    I remember back when I first started, I didn’t know so I skipped straight to steps 3 and 4 and I was wondering why it didn’t work. Only after a year did I find out that having a website is essential when it comes to doing Affiliate Marketing, how I wish I had found your article sooner! Oh well, I hope many beginners are able to learn the proper way to start a blog from you 😀

    • Hey Riaz

      I aim to help as many new begginers believe in the opportunities that there are when venturing into affiliate marketing and how the ‘starting out’ process does need to be over complicated. 

      Wishing you much success with your business.

  6. Hi Dianne, love your website! Seems like it’s very easy to put together the four steps to become successful online. I like how you have broken down each individual step and given details on how to discover your niche and be able to build a website around that niche to start earning money. I’ve had some experience with affiliate marketing. But will definitely check into this and hopefully my luck will turn around.

    • Hi Cody

      Glad to have helped you out today, 

      Thanks for dropping in a comment and I’m sure your luck will turn around 😉

  7. Affiliate marketing is a proven method of getting financial freedom online. With a very little investment, there is potential to make huge profits. That’s why, I see affiliate marketing as a no risk investment, the knowledge garnered I. This business, can serve one a lifetime.

    However, proper education is necessary in order to be able to conform to best practices. That’s why it’s advisable to register with Wealthy Affiliate, and learn the best methods to ensure your online enterprise is profitable.

  8. Hi DIANNE, 

    I see affiliate marketing as the real business of the 21st century that allows anyone the flexibility to live his life and also determine the pace of his workload. Wealthy affiliate has made affiliate marketing easier and better by giving one the platform to build and run his or her website hitch-free. The trainings and the live chat gives users the edge over others in the business. 



    • Hi Sammy

      I agree with you, wealthy affiliate gives us members total reassurance that everything behind the scenes is taken care off while we get regular and up to date training that allows us to accomplish our business goals.

      Thanks for the great comment.

  9. I really want to commend you for taking the time to write this great information, about how to make money online from home with a simple four-step guide. It I really very important especially for beginners like me. 

    When choosing your niche, apart from considering your hobbies and areas of interest I will like to add that one can also consider areas of experience.  This will add value to your popularity and reputation as you would be known for your knowledgeable

    • Hi Barry

      Thank you for your great point and input, it really will show beginners exactly how a niche choice can be very individual and enjoyable.

      Many thanks.

  10. Great Content and Information!
    What a concise and thorough article. I found the post very detailed and Informative. So so many useful tips all on one page , Wonderful! I bookmarked to look further. This is an eye opener for me as I am just getting to know about online business especially wealthy affiliate . I can attest to the fact that I learnt alot from this article. 

    • Hi Trunde

      I am glad that you took some useful tips from my article today. Good luck with your online marketing business and just remember you can’t go wrong if you stick with the basic principles of affiliate marketing.

      Have a great day! 

  11. Dianne you’ve broken down how to make money online in such a fun and understandable way that anyone reading it will be excited to jump in and give it a go. Your enthusiasm for what you’re sharing is so evident! I love that you dispel the myth that creating an online business is difficult or technical. It used to be, for sure, but we’re lucky that now, as you note, we don’t have to know coding or graphic design or any of those skills to create a beautiful, functional website that can earn us an income. But we do still need to know how to go about optimizing our efforts through keyword research (Jaaxy is definitely an amazing tool…and it’s fun to use, too!), creating great content, and utilizing good SEO practices. Thankfully you share the best resource for gaining all that knowledge — the training at Wealthy Affiliate. Thanks for taking the time to make it clear that, using the tools and community support available at Wealthy Affiliate, anyone with the drive to do so can create a successful affiliate marketing business based around pretty much anything they are passionate about. Best wishes!

    • Hey Cheri,

      Thanks so much for the feedback! 

      Yes, I am really enthusiastic about affiliate marketing and believe in it wholeheartedly as a great way to make a sustainable income, from home. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the invaluable resources you get at Wealthy Affiliate.

  12. This is an excellent roadmap in showing new or aspiring affiliate marketers how simple it really is to break into the business. While it, like anything, will take time and effort, the fact that literally any interest or niche can and will suffice makes the process of building/hosting a blog or site simple and fun.

    SEO might be a challenge for some early on, but the more you tackle the challenge, the better you’ll get at it. It only takes time, but I always tell others to persevere through the tough times, as in a couple years you just might be able to earn passive income from home!

  13. Hey Dianne,

    I am encouraged by reading your informative reviews of online income. Very simple and beautiful, you have written about how to make money from affiliate business. I myself opened a site on the niche of literature. Because of my passion is to write poems. I don’t know how far it can be able to do business. Anyway, thank you sincerely for writing such a valuable review. I already bookmarked your page.

    Best Regards,

    • Hey,

      Thats great to hear and like all niches, as long as it is not too broad your audience will really enjoy your content.

      Thanks for bookmarking my page, keep an eye out because there will be lots more handy tips to come. 

  14. Thank you Dianne for sharing this post! You laid it out so well how affiliate marketing can be such a lucrative business! I didn’t know that a lot of companies use this type of marketing. Thanks for sharing!

  15. This is very helpful Dianne. I had been looking for ways to make money online for a while now. This is very informative and I think this will be a great help in my journey to making online. Thanks for sharing.
    I was wondering how long do you think it will take to make my first pay check online?

    • Hi Lera
      I was where you are and it felt like I was just going around in circles. I landed at Wealthy Affiliate and found everything I was looking for in the one place, plus a lovely community who cheer each other on.

      It’s really down to you how long it will take you to grab your first paycheck, it’s really down to us to make the most of the education that is available, while at the same time applying your learning to your online business.

      My best advice would be to take a free starter membership and explore the platform for yourself. Jump straight into the ‘online certification’ course and have your website created in a day and take it from there.

      I am inside the platform every day so will be there to guide you.

  16. Excellent explanation of just how easy it is to do affiliate marketing, The process is simple, but building up a site that ranks and consistently pulls in the green stuff takes time and effort.

    Establishing a brand, on or offline is certainly worth the effort.

  17. Hi, nice meeting you, I have been with WA for quite some time now and have had nothing but a positive experience. nice. I like the way you broke down each step and given details on how to discover your niche and build your website around that niche to start earning some cash. I will check into this to see if my luck will shine. Surely this would be an eye opener and very effective .

  18. This is a great informative and educative article. I believe that affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money online especially if you have less capital. Jaaxy is one of the great tool, has millions of keywords with low competition and I recommend it to all everyone who in the online business be it you are new or not.
    Dianne, thanks for sharing

    • Hi Jay

      Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment, glad you enjoyed my post. We share the same assertion on affiliate marketing for sure.

  19. Hi, this is a post full of great information, as a premium member of wealthy affiliate jaaxy is my number one go-to tool for keyword research. It has helped me to constructively use the unlimited keywords. 

    I would highly recommend it to anyone who is trying to build a long term career in online marketing.

  20. Hi There

    This post is simply informative and educational. Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money online and so joining Wealthy Affiliate was one of the best career decisions I have ever made. 

    They have made building my website very easy. Their training will open one’s eyes to learn how to strategically attract organic visitors. I learnt the whole affiliate marketing from step one through them. 

    • I totally agree with you, I too learned everything I need to know from step one through Wealthy Affiliate. 

      The ‘online entrepreneur certification’ course was easy to follow while at the same time building my website foundations,  plus the regular weekly live classes are the best way to stay current in the online world. 

  21. Hi, 

    I have always wanted to make money by working online.  But I didn’t know about the sequence of the work phases. I kept searching for the working processes and phases.  I have a friend who does this kind of online work.  But I wasn’t well aware of this wonderful fact until I read your article on it. Now,  I have a clear idea on online money making. 


  22. Firstly I would like to commend you on this detailed and well-written article on the 4 step guide to make money online. Things would most likely have turned out better for me when. 

    I started my own website a few years ago but if only I was privileged to have read this your article because I choose the wrong niche that I couldn’t keep up with posting contents and eventually closed the website. 

    Your article will help people to start well and eventually succeed. It has also motivated me to starting something again. 


  23. I must say that your blog is a very useful simplification of affiliate marketing. You see, many people make affiliate marketing look complex and thereby make it repulsive to newbies who are just coming to start.

    I’ve learned new yet simple things about affiliate marketing from your blog post today that I will never forget.

    How much I wish new affiliate marketers can discover your site to really learn that affiliate marketing is easy and need not be overly complicated.

  24. This is an informative and educative article. You have thoroughly put everything in perspective for anyone reading this post to understand the points.

    Affiliate Marketing is a great route for people looking for a way of earning money from their comfortable zone.  All you need is your computer, and a lot of time and effort because it is so worth it when you start earning money from it.

    Wealthy Affiliate is a great training platform and allows people to learn and earn in a supportive environment.

  25. That was a nice one. Brief and straight to the point. 

    The steps in affiliate marketing are simple to understand but to make it a reality requires hard work. 

    However, Ok what I will need to improve on is the writing of the articles but I have pinpointed some great lessons on this within the platform that will help me with that.

  26. My goal this year is to start making money from source other than my current job, because it sucks to work for other people. Thank you for explaining the basic of making money from home. I might need to dig deeper about Wealthy Affiliate, because this is the first time I’ve heard about it. Is it a free learning course? How long usually I can expect to start earning money? Thanks for answering my basic questions here.

    • Hi Alblue

      Wealthy Affiliate is a training ground for affiliate marketers, a one-stop platform for everything affiliate marketing. 

      Joining Wealthy affiliate gives you many new layers of insight into the online world, everything that’s current today and tomorrow.

      If you fancy giving it a whirl then grab a free starter membership here –  https://bit.ly/2FO0ohe

      Good luck with your goal.

  27. Thanks Dianne, affiliate marketing is the best way to make money on the internet. I like how you have explained the four steps, they are easy to follow. I am into affiliate marketing as well. When I started, I had no clue at all. I followed these four steps, chose my niche, built my website, filling it with content and driving traffic to it. My site is successful, it is generating some income! 

    • Hey Juliet,

      That is fantastic, it’s great to hear success stories. 

      Thanks for sharing.

  28. I love your article.  I found your article very informative and it did provide some good information that makes me want to put them into action. 

    You make it sound so easy with your four-step method.  I will have to consider this opportunity.  I do have to ask about step 3.  How difficult do you find it to come up with good fresh keywords?   Thanks again for the article.

    • Hi Doug,

      Once you are familiar with the keyword research strategies,  you will never run out of potential keywords. In fact, you will find that you have more keyword ideas than time on your hands.

      At Wealthy Affiliate, we are taught in a simplified but in-depth way,  how to research keywords effectively but you may also find my Jaaxy review helpful, especially as I have included a direct link to grab your Jaaxy Lite version,  which is free.


      Give me a shout if I can help you with anything further.

  29. Great post and good info.

    Im a member of Wealthy Affiliate since a long while, choosing an interest is in my opinion the most important one, because how you’re going to build something without knowing what you want?

    For me, this platform was the best, and it still is, you think the same about that? 

    Thanks for sharing this guide, it will help a lot of new people in this business! 

    • HI Emmanuel

      Yes, great point you have there, the interest or niche you chose is very important as you need to enjoy your work and enjoy helping people with their problems within your niche market.  

      However, The more you build out your content the more you will learn yourself about your particular interest.

  30. I absolutely love what I read in this insightful article because it is full of great information. This is fascinating and interesting to me. Am a newbie in affiliates marketing and have been told about Jaxxy tools for blogs traffic, I think this article has helped me to take a move into starting my blog site. Great information and great content. 

    Thanks for the insight. 

    • Hi 

      So happy to have been able to help you make a great decision, good luck with your blogging. Just remember that if you don’t quit you cannot fail. 

      Thanks for the great comment.

  31. Almost all the companies I know of make use of one form of affiliate marketing or the other and that is one of the ways they use to grow their business and also to reach more customers. This, in turn, gives individuals willing to become affiliates for these companies an opportunity to earn money promoting these products. 

    I think it is a viable form of business that anyone willing to work for it can attain success.

    • Hey Jay,

      Yes absolutely right, I myself have worked for a ‘superbrand’ company in the finance department and so I know only too well how much marketing business is driven into online affiliates.

      Great input, thank you.

  32. This is a nice 4 step guide for how to make money online. I really love the way you explain affiliate marketing in such a way that a newbie can feel empowered. Starting a business online can be scary. You take all the fear away for people. Thanks for breaking it all down into easy steps.

    • Hi Wendy

      I am really passionate about empowering newbies by showing them how starting an affiliate marketing business does not have to be scary so breaking it down into useful steps is a useful takeaway for those considering it as a future prospect.

      Thanks for your input.

  33. Wonderful content. If working nine to five doesn’t cut it for you, you want to be your own boss, and you’re dreaming of being in complete control of your own future, affiliate marketing is definitely your thing. Plus I got to learn new and amazing stuffs about affiliate marketing, you really did a good job shedding a spot light on few things I was curious about. 

    • Fasuan,

      Thanks for your feedback I am glad to have been able to help you out. All the best.

  34. Thank you for this review on affiliate marketing. Even though I am in the process of growing my affiliate marketing it is always good to be reminded of the key points and issues that I should be working on. 

    I especially like your advice of helping your reader with good advice and also by helping them to make a choice that is right for them.

    The joy of affiliate marketing is that you can choose anything you love and sell products you know about.

    • Hi Michel

      Thanks for your input here from a fellow affiliate marketer. The beauty really is being able to turn your passion into an income with Affiliate marketing.

  35. All the four steps in this article are important steps to take when it comes to making money through online affiliate marketing.

    But in addition to these steps, I would like to add one more step,  which is patience,  because an affiliate marketing business takes time when you have started it from scratch. 

    You will be earning good money if you follow these four steps and have patience! 

  36. Hi, Dianne, I am a wealthy Affiliate Premium member for 4 years now. I have learned something new every day about running a business online. I love the support system, ask a question and within minutes someone in the community will lead you in the right direction.

    With a community of over a million, you can find ideas, and get sound advice on what works and what not to do, to get you where you want to be in your business. There is a lot of ways to earn from WA.

    I like your review on Wealthy affiliate and can tell you are doing good at WA. I highly recommend this program to your readers.

  37. Hey Dianne,

    I am pleased to come across your article about How To Make Money Online From Home.

    I always thought that Affiliate Marketing a complex process and like any other field you need a university diploma to make a buck through it. You have written the article in a way now I also think that is something to try.

    Thanks again and best wishes.

    • I am glad my post was insightful for you, into just how realistic moving into the world of affiliate marketing is for anyone, with or without a marketing university degree. 

      I wish you well with your endeavours.  

  38. Hi Dianne,

    Wow! What an excellent article you have written with lots of important information and guideline about “How To Make Money Online From Home: The 4 Step Guide” 

    Really this is an awesome article.I was looking for a proper guideline to start an affiliate marketing business from home because I have a little concern about affiliate marketing system.After reading your article I believe that it is the best guideline for me in this purpose.I am also agree with you that Wealthy Affiliate is the best way of earning money with a little investment.It has no risk, and they provided millions of opportunity for making money from home honestly.I will share it with my friends and relatives so that they can take the benefits from this.Thanks for this informative article.

    • Thanks for your great feedback, I am glad to have been some help to you with my getting started in affiliate guide.

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