What is The Best Affiliate Marketing Tool: Try Out Jaaxy Today for Free!


What Is The Best Affiliate Marketing Tool

What is the best affiliate marketing tool

If you are in the online marketing world then you will need to know exactly what is the best affiliate marketing tool,  so that you can notch it up a gear and make your website a cut above the rest.

You can easily do this by allowing the Jaaxy tool features to work to your advantage by effectively leveraging the research functions and strategically placing keywords into your content.

Keyword research is the starting point and is a critical element for any successful affiliate marketers success.

Have a go at Jaaxy keyword search below, simply type in a keyword and see the results for yourself.


I use Jaaxy as my all-in-one research tool because it enables me to easily find high traffic keywords for low competition,  here I will show you how it works and how it can benefit your website’s success also!

What makes Jaaxy the worlds most advanced tool is that it was developed by affiliate marketers for affiliate marketers! So with the use of the Jaaxy smart features, you will have the best all-in-one tool to effectively monetize your website.

You may be super familiar with your niche market but unless you know how to effectively attract traffic from the search engines and know exactly what your audience is looking for, your website won’t show up and so you may be losing out on visitors and search engine optimization (SEO), rankings.

The Great Features of Jaaxy


  • Keyword Research – Finding Low Competition Keywords
  • SiteRank – Tracking your Rankings in all Search Engines
  • Website Seo Ranking
  • Managing Keyword lists
  • Analyzing competition
  • Affiliate programs research
  • Brainstorming and idea generation
  • Alphabet Soup






















Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool – Finding Low Competition Keyword

Successful affiliate marketers need to accurately discover the most currently used keywords being used by potential visitors.

Effectively being on top of these and driving readers directly to your website will be an absolute breeze thanks to the Jaaxy Research tool!

Below I have entered a keyword search for the ‘best grass fertilizer’.

On average 220 people type this keyword into search engines monthly, with typical estimated traffic to my site of 38 people.

The QSR indicates that 46 is the number of competitive websites that have also targeted this particular keyword. This is a great keyword as the average searches are over 100 but the QSR competition is under 100.

I am also given a list of similar keyword options should I want to go with one of those instead.





Jaaxy SiteRank – Tracking Keyword Rankings in all Search Engines

Be smarter than the rest and set up automated analysis of your own and your competitor’s keyword ranking results.  Jaaxy has a powerful keyword tracking function that allows you to do this with ease

Once you have published a piece of content head on over to the Jaaxy SiteRank, add your domain plus a selection of your keywords that you would like to automatically track.

By also checking out your competitor’s keyword rankings in the same space,  gives you edge and knowledge for your website enhancement.

Below is a handy chart that shows your ranking activity for the past 30 days, which includes a drop-down menu for the past 30 days can be changed to look at, this week, this month, or all time.

This makes monitoring any impact on any changes you have made on your sites SEO ranking easy and Ultimately allowing you to play around with and improve your site where necessary while learning what does and doesn’t work for your content and readers.

Website SEO Ranking

The most important achievement you are looking to make as an affiliate marketer is to create good, knowledgable and helpful content.

The SiteRank function is perfect for checking out the daily, weekly or monthly SEO position of your website and content SEO rankings.

In the screenshot below I am tracking my website domain for Side Hustler Affiliate. By simply entering my website name and website URL,  I can easily track my Search Engine Optimization Ranking (SEO) which is ranked in spot 1 of all three major search engines.

And as you can also see, ranked in spot two of Google is an article that I have published on my Side Hustler Affiliate website.

I can also do the same task for each article on my website by either tracking the keywords that I targeted or out of interest any keywords within my article in which I may have ranked for also.

Should I do my initial keyword research well and write good quality content I should rank in all the keywords I was aiming for.


The Membership Options

Jaaxy comes with three membership options and is the best all-in-one tool for ultimate success as an Elite Affiliate Marketer.

My recommendation is to take the free trial to try it out. You can always easily upgrade at a time that suits you.


Wealthy Affiliate ‘Starter Membership’ Is Free & Includes Jaaxy Lite

I started out as an affiliate marketer when I joined Wealthy Affiliate,  and so I owe all of my SEO knowledge and success to this great community and platform.

The website hosting is superb plus the step by step training in creating and building your first website is simple to follow and made becoming successful in affiliate marketing easier than I thought possible.

Each week I join the live classes which are up to date and very relevant to the online market as it evolves and moves, so for the training and the tools I have learned from the best, this is the best move I ever made.

If you yourself are just starting out or even just looking to discover a cost-effective affiliate marketing education where you can really enhance your set of skills then I highly recommend that you check out Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate is an all-inclusive website hosting platform. The ‘Starter Membership’ is free and includes the Jaaxy Lite Tool.

With the bonus of two free, fully functional websites, which you can use to enhance and monetize as the starting point of your successfully ranked, revenue making online business.

Plus exclusive Jaaxy training for those looking to maximize their website to its full earning potential.

The expert training and the 1.5million fellow successful affiliate members are what makes this community a distinctive advantage to success.

Click here on my full wealthy affiliate review to check out if this platform will be the best decision you ever made also and to join as a free starter member today and get started on your own website.


Using Jaaxy Like a Keyword Ninja! Jump into the Wealthy Affiliate Platform

As a thank you for reading my article today on the Jaaxy keyword and research tool I have a gift for you.

Here is an EXCLUSIVE CHANCE to watch a world-renowned Magistudios Webinar  – Using Jaaxy like a keyword Ninja!

>Join Jay (magistudios) at Wealthy Affiliate where he will walk you through how to use all awesome features that Jaaxy has to offer.<<

Press GO to get your Free Jaaxy Lite Version today and let’s explore the features together


Please leave me a comment below, I would love to hear from you and what you think of Jaaxy or any questions you have. I will get straight back to you, I always do!















































  1. By using Jaaxy I have been good results upon good results. I started blogging a few weeks now. A few days after publishing my first article, I was indexed by Google. 

    I was completely shocked because I thought it would take a while before Google even noticed me. 

    Even when I told my older colleagues they also expressed shock. But, the more I think of it, the more I realize that it has a lot to do with Jaaxy. 

    Jaaxy helped me choose the best and most optimized keywords, without Jaaxy, I don’t think Google would have noticed me so soon.

    • Hi Peace

      I am glad to hear that Jaaxy is working out great for you, I wish you every success in your blogging journey.

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

  2. Very nice article: I really like Jaaxy and I use for my Business (SEO and SEM too).

    My experience has been always positive with it, also the price is not expensive at all and the support is amazing.

    P.S. As I know, Jaaxy is free if you join with Wealthy Affiliate, but another SEO tool it could be semrush, it is expensive but it is very good as well.

    Good choice.

  3. I have just learned about SEO tools and how to get massive traffic from two articles. This one explains how to do SEO and improve traffic from another point. Very interesting, Jaaxy enables us to easily find high traffic keywords for low competition. Jaaxy, another powerful tool I have heard.

    • Hey

      A very powerful tool for SEO improvement indeed, glad you found my article useful.

      Thanks for leaving a comment

  4. Dianne,

    You nailed it. I am fairly new to the affiliate world, but I greatly enjoy it and look to grow. As me being fairly new, reading your post attracted me and kept me reading all the way through. I look forward to keeping a eye out on your work. It is very informative and interesting. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and success with us. Very intriguing. Thanks again!


    • Hi George

      Thanks for the complimentary comment and I wish you every success in the affiliate world!

  5. Hi Dianne

    I really appreciate your review of Jaaxy, as probably most starters in Affiliate marketing are totally unaware of it.  You have described it in full details and I am getting a better understanding of it.  The tool seems to be very powerful in getting your website recognized and ranked in the search engines.

    The problem of finding keywords with high traffic but low QSR can be difficult, so what do you do if you are struggling to find one.

    Thank You


    • Hi Antonio

      Yes, in some situations you may find it difficuIt to find the perfect keyword that suits the blog post as well as having high traffic and low QSR . 

      But when this happens I tend not to worry too much about it. I will use a low competition and low qsr keyword.

      This is because I know that as long as my content is well written and informative,  Google will rank me for my chosen keyword plus other keywords that best suit those searching for the topic that I am discussing.

  6. Hi Dianne! I know the importance of a keyword tool. And discovering Jaaxy has been key. The fact that it has been created by affiliate marketers for affiliate marketers gives it an edge over other keyword tools.

    I would really like to test Jaaxy. And this opportunity of joining Wealthy Affiliate and having access to Jaaxy Lite for free seems to be the best way to go. Thank you very much!

  7. Hi Diane, thank you for a great insight into a first class keyword search tool. Jaaxy has so many features to offer affiliate marketers and you have gone into great detail with each and every one as well as showing results from your own searches. 

    Having been a member of Wealthy Affiliate I have used Jaaxy a lot and have found great keywords to being delighted to see where my site is ranking which is great. I can honestly say that had I not already been using Jaaxy or been a member or Wealthy Affiliate I most certainly would have looked into both more to see what you were writing about.

    I am in total agreement with you on how great this tool is and like the way you have portrayed everything about it here in your report.

    • Thank you for your feedback Cheryl.

      I am glad to hear that Jaaxy is also serving you well in terms or finding great keywords and ranking your website.


  8. I love Jaaxy, it has made life a lot easier when it comes to doing the research on low hanging fruit keywords. 

    When I signed up for the Wealthy Affiliate free trial, Jaaxy comes together with it. 

    I like the way it sets up, there is an alphabet soup method and brainstorm method which are very useful to me when I am running into a brick wall. 

    The feature that I can save my keywords are very helpful as well, I can just doing a bunch of keywords in one day and save all of them for future use which is neat. 

    The best part about it is that when you sign up for the free trial, they only ask for your name and email which is unheard of. WA and Jaaxy won me over right away just because of that reason. 

    • Hi Nuttanee

      I agree with you,  the fact that you can sign up to Wealthy Affiliate as a free member (which never runs out)  plus you get the Jaaxy lite version by only providing your name and email, was what made me join and check it out properly. 

      Turns out it was the greatest decision I made 😉

      Once your familiar with Jaaxy and its great features it becomes the only ‘go to’ tool that you need.

      Thanks for visiting my blog today 😉

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