How To Create Your Own Online Business Today
There is a proven but simple process to follow to create your own online business in Affiliate Marketing.
As an affiliate marketer myself, I will walk you through the steps of how and where to get started.
Plus, how this can be done with minimal costs.
How to Become an Affiliate Marketer
When I first dipped my toes into affiliate marketing, I quickly realized it wasn’t as intimidating as I thought.
Think about it this way:
As consumers, we’re already savvy with the basics – buying stuff online and hunting for info that suits our needs on the web. We often stumble upon affiliate marketers’ websites, thanks to the search terms we punch into Google, Yahoo, or Bing. Checking out reviews on things we’re interested in is just part of the routine.
I personally use the Jaaxy keyword tool for this as it makes it very easy to master the process.
If you are interested in knowing more about this tool you can check out my Jaaxy Review here
The Simple Process for Affiliate Marketing Consists of 4 Elements
Here is the simple process of how to become an affiliate marketer and create your own online business.
If your main question here is ‘Do you need a Website to do affiliate Marketing’?
Then the answer is YES!
There are four main steps to successfully build a lucrative website.
- Choose a niche or Interest
- Build a Website
- Get Visitors
- Earn a Revenue
Choose a Niche Choose a direction for your business.
This can be anything of interest to you or something that you know a little or a lot about.
Every niche has the potential of being a successful foundation of your online business and that is because every niche has an interested audience.
It’s important that your niche is not too broad and so you need to narrow down your ideas into sub-niches.
My article on this may be helpful here.
Tips and Tricks on how to find an affiliate niche
Build a website to promote your business
You will be pleasantly surprised to know that nowadays the affiliate marketer does not need to know website coding or any of the ‘behind the scenes’ guru techy stuff’.
A website can be built in around one minute when you are being hosted by a website hosting platform.
The ‘behind-the-scenes’ techy stuff is done for you.
A good hosting platform will have a tech team working away ensuring all the well running and security side is looked after.
I will tell you where I built my website later on
Get Visitors to your website & Get ranked in Google, Yahoo & Bing
The process for getting visitors is to your website centres mainly around your site getting indexed and ranked by the search engines.
Your rankings are based on fundamental elements such as
- SEO skills,
- Good quality & informative content,
- Mastering the correct use of keywords
- How easy your site is for your visitor’s navigation.
Also, there are other ways where you can monetize your website such as;-
- Aligning yourself with affiliate programs,
- Leveraging social media,
- The use of ad sense
- Paying for traffic etc.
Earn a Revenue Through Affiliate Marketing Programs
Affiliate Marketing commissions come in a range of between 1% and 75% depending on whom you are working with and what product or services you are promoting on your site.
Your own research into this as you progress with the training will show you how there are millions of products and services.
The passive income stream potential here is very lucrative if your willing to put the work and effort.
Each affiliate scheme offers a different programme and setting up your affiliate agreement is a relatively simple process of applying and signing up.
Keeping it simple, many affiliates (where appropriate) start out by using Amazon because of the sheer amount of products to promote plus the simplicity of their affiliate program.
Once more experienced its time to branch out and find other affiliate programs to build your sites earning potential.
What is an Affiliate Programme – A Simple Explanation
Affiliate marketing is an ethical marketing strategy where major brands run affiliate programs as part of their core marketing strategies.
What’s ‘in it for the company or brand?
Instead of having a large in-house marketing team for advertising, which takes many man hours and can be costly.
The company can have hundreds if not thousands, outsourced affiliate marketers, promoting their product or services for them.
Meaning the company only pays out when actual sales have been made.
You may be interested in my blog on the best free affiliate programs to join.
The Best Website Hosting Company – Success is Yours at Wealthy Affiliate
I am a Wealthy Affiliate Premium Member and so I get all the education, tools and hosting that I have covered in this blog, included with my membership.
Yep, every resource, tool or mentoring that I needed to create this website that you are looking at.
Wealthy Affiliate was founded by Karl & Carson back in 2005.
Karl & Carson were a pair of high school pals who teamed up and created this highly respected learning & website hosting platform that currently has a staggering 1.5million members.
The platform goes from strength to strength each year as new innovative ideas are rolled out.
All the training and tools provided are very current in the present online world.
Together they share the same highly motivated and hard-working work ethics.
Both committed to remaining very much being a part of the community on a daily basis, to this day.
Both Karl & Carson are successful marketers and share their own experience with members holding nothing back.
They offer personal one to one coaching to premium members at no extra charge,
Which is an amazing perk that you won’t find anywhere else in this market space?
The Best Online All-Inclusive Hosting Platform
I’m sure you would agree once you check it out for yourself that is a great platform to be a part of.
It’s the perfect place to network and build your own horizons.
With its ‘pay-it-forward’ programme you are exposed to daily members and hosts blogs that are a great read and very educational and inspiring.
If you are interested in knowing more details about this platform you can check it all out in my Wealthy Affiliate Review here
Wealthy Affiliates Recent Progress and Updates.
In September 2018 Wealthy Affiliate celebrated their 13th year with a great roll out to the community.
Us members were updated on some amazing features that were released in the past 9 months alone;-

- Video Platform Updates, Jan-18
- Full Jaaxy Integration & New Menu, Feb-18
- New Wealthy Affiliate Blogging Platform, Mar-18
- New UX Launch, May-18
- Brand New Homepage, Website Pages, May-18
- Ambassadorship Program Updates, Jun-18
- SSL for All, Aug-18
- Site Speed Extreme & Caching Improvements, Aug-18
- Site Comments 2.0, Sep-18
- Wealthy Affiliate Mobile Friendly Version, Sep-18
- New Platforms, Coming this coming Fall & Winter.
Create your own online Business Roundup.
What was my aim with this post?
To show you the process to follow in creating your own online business and the perfect place where you can do this.
Where you can expect to find all the tools, education and personal coaching you may need.
Somewhere that you can network with like-minded people.
Take the leap today and become a free starter member at Wealthy Affiliate
Signing up is free and simple!!
I will personally be there to welcome you and help you to get started.
Once your inside and set up, you will hear from me within the hour.
Simply follow this link Wealthy Affiliates Free Starter Membership and enter your name and email address and bingo!
Your IN and your profile INSTANTLY set up.
I encourage you to take a look around and waste no time getting rolling with the
‘Entrepreneur Certification Course’
The above course image Shows Just Level One – There is Five Level in this Course!
If you have any questions please do pop them in the comments box below and I will get back to you, I always do!
I would love to hear from you!