About Me & My Website Side Hustler Affiliate

Hey! I’m Dianne,

A full-time affiliate marketer and this is my website Side Hustler Affiliate that is centred around helping others find their perfect side hustle.

Here’s My Story 

I am a mum of two, 16 and 21 years old. They live with their dad and I in Englands South Coast

We are originally from London but uprooted and moved our lives around four years ago.

Saying goodbye to the hustle and bustle of city life we headed south towards the coastline and the beautiful countryside.

We have two cats, a cockatiel and a Jack Russel called Holly.

So, as you can see, we are a usual family that’s just doing our thing in this world.

Here’s How My Side Hustle Started.

One day while browsing through my Instagram I unintentionally stumbled across the idea of affiliate marketing.

I was not looking to get into this specifically, in fact, I had never considered anything like this.

But I had become less invested in my profession since I moved away from the capital city and that feeling was unsettling.

Feeling like this, not a common ground for me as I had always really loved my job and so proud of what I had achieved.

So I here,  I was having found a training and hosting platform that’s dedicated to Affiliate Marketers.

I had ‘a sod it moment’ and joined instantly,  with no fuss and no payment. Just put in my email address and got started.

Then something really shifted in my mind that day.

I had discovered something exciting.

What initially caught my eye was the friendly community and the sheer amount of experts that were so openly sharing their skills.

Day one was great!: I had my own website live on the web and was into the training at level 2 in no time.

Affiliate marketing had grabbed my attention instantly and I was super invested and determined that this was my thing.

I couldn’t think of anything better than working from home with no commute, no boss and no rules.

But also it was something I could learn from scratch and build myself skills up in.


Now I can’t help but wonder why didn’t I find this years ago.

But I won’t look back because I am not going that way.

The Future Is Looking Good!

That’s because I have learned how to build a successful website and how to monetise it to create income streams all while helping others either do the same or find what they are looking for.

Its pure satisfaction. 

In fact, now I have two websites to keep me busy.

This venture gets more exciting every day as I experiment with what does and what doesn’t in the online and affiliate world by applying all that I have learned.

I am originally a numbers girl, no technical or writing experience.

So if I can do this then anyone can, seriously!

I am nobody special.

But here you are reading my website.

Where Was I before Affiliate Marketing Was My Thing?

When I first began my affiliate marketing training I had a full-time job (as I mentioned already) in finance.

I worked for a well-known SuperBrand for 17 years, from practically out of school.

Starting out as a junior and working my way up the ranks it was a successful career considering I don’t have a University Degree. 

I was a passionate team leader and valued for my mentoring but also my ability to take the lead to get the job done.

Having been thrown into the boardroom in my early twenties to present to the CFO  I really had to hit the floor running.

No, it wasn’t exactly been a breeze getting to where I was but I got there based on experience and sheer determination plus a little of guts.

If you have guts you have it all.

I guess I know that from my past work experience, and I can also share with you the wisdom of knowing that you don’t have to have a degree or the debt that comes with it to be a professional.

Our minds are our most powerful asset and should we apply ourselves to something that we really want we can achieve it!

And it was with this mindset that I went into affiliate marketing with.

Heres How My Side Hustle Turned Into My Full-Time Occupation.

Through my journey of working full time in finance and also using every spare minute I had on my affiliate marketing website,  I come to realise some serious potential.

In today’s world, the internet is a major part of everyday life and so an understanding of affiliate marketing is an invaluable and fascinating skill to have.

The determination I had got very real as I began to achieve enough success online through my hard work, to make the shift and finally leave the full-time job, with a depressing commute behind.

I began working from home, or anywhere I like, full time with a serious excitement of being able to help others succeed online also.

Although this can be a daunting prospect it is also an exciting one,  I truly believe that anyone can do this if they just believe that they can,

We are allowed to break away from the ‘norm’ and create our own paths.

And So Here Is The FOCUS & VISION For Side Hustler Affiliate.

Firstly I want to grab the attention of anyone who wants to get started on their own side hustle.

If you want to do the same thing I did and at the same place then you can DO IT HERE!

If Jumping straight in like I did is not for you?

There’s nothing wrong with being cautious, it’s sensible.

Go ahead and check out my full review of the Wealthy Affiliate Hosting Platform HERE.

If you’re interested in creating a side hustle but you may not be necessarily be looking to become an affiliate marketer or do not what it is all about,  I have a post that could help you out with that here,  in my Simple 4 Step Guide To Affiliate marketing.

Maybe you’re wondering what other online business options there are out there?  

I will be devoting my time to researching and finding good sound ways to make money online in the coming weeks, months & years.

If it’s a good business opportunity worthy of your invested time or money, I will share my findings.

I am also going to look for SCAMS in every corner of the internet and when I find them I will be letting my readers know WHO need to avoid.

Yeah, there are lots of scammers in the darkest corners on the internet but it’s not all bad.

Have faith.

All the best with your adventures and see you there, AT THE TOP!



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