Tips & Tricks on how to be a Affiliate Marketing Pro

How to find a affiliate marketing niche

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Welcome! If you’re here to discover the secrets of finding an awesome and profitable affiliate marketing niche, grab a coffee and a notepad because it’s time to spark your creativity.

So, let’s dive right in.

What exactly is a Niche?

In simple terms, it’s an audience. These are the people online searching for a product, a topic, or a solution to a problem. Think about the last thing you searched for online—that, my friend, is a niche.

Now, you might be thinking, “But isn’t the internet saturated with people doing this already? Finding a profitable niche must be impossible, right?”


While many profitable niches have their fair share of marketers making big bucks, this is a positive sign. It means there’s a healthy market with plenty of customers, and that spells potential for you too.

Don’t be tied down by the notion that the internet is too crowded with experts. There’s always room for someone who brings a fresh perspective.

Key Considerations for Niche Selection

Choosing the right niche is the core of your affiliate marketing business and requires thoughtful consideration. As an affiliate marketer, you’re not just a content creator; you’re a problem solver.

Your readers are out there looking for specific information—whether it’s about a problem, products, or a particular topic. Your task is to align your articles with their search terms so that you can find each other.

It’s vital to select a niche where you can confidently guide people and help them become well-versed in the information they seek.

Let’s Brainstorm Your Niche Ideas

Success in affiliate marketing often follows passion. Find a niche in a topic or area that you’re passionate about and eager to explore as your website grows. Consider these questions to kickstart your brainstorming:

  • What’s your passion?
  • What are you frequently told you excel at? Tap into that.
  • Do you have any hobbies worth exploring?
  • What interests you to the point that you could become an expert?
  • Do you have a career or profession that sparks your curiosity?
  • Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn about?

Now that you have a few ideas on paper, let’s dig a bit deeper.

Connecting with Your Audience

Can you genuinely relate to and understand your audience? Can you draw upon personal experiences? Are you equipped to solve people’s problems in this niche? Are you excited about creating valuable content in this area?

You should either instantly resonate with these points or feel confident that with research into the sub-niche, you can offer real value.

Remember, finding your perfect affiliate marketing niche is a journey—one that combines your passion, expertise, and a commitment to helping others navigate the online landscape.

Choosing the Right Niche

Selecting the right niche is the heart of your affiliate marketing journey. As an affiliate marketer, your main role is to provide helpful information and solve problems for your readers. They’re out there searching for specific answers, products, or topics. Your task is to align your articles with what they’re looking for, making it easy for you to connect.

Crucial Considerations:

It’s essential to choose a niche where you can confidently guide people and share information. To get started, think about what you’re passionate about. Here are some questions to help you brainstorm:

  • What’s your passion?
  • What are you good at, according to others? Consider tapping into these skills.
  • Do you have any hobbies worth exploring?
  • What interests you enough to become an expert?
  • Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn?
  • Do you have a career or profession that intrigues you?

Now that you have a few ideas on paper, let’s dig a bit deeper.

Connecting with Your Audience:

To succeed in your chosen niche, you need to connect with your audience. Ask yourself:

  • Can you genuinely relate to and understand your audience?
  • Can you share personal experiences that resonate with them?
  • Are you equipped to solve people’s problems in this niche?
  • Are you excited about creating valuable content?

Either instantly resonate with these points or feel confident that with research into the sub-niche, you can offer real value. Remember, your journey to finding the perfect affiliate marketing niche is about combining your passion with a commitment to helping others.

Find a Profitable Sub-Niche

Let’s break down the concept of a sub-niche in a more straightforward way:

Understanding Sub-Niches

A sub-niche is like a tiny corner of a market that appeals to a specific group. Instead of trying to reach everyone, focus on understanding your audience—know who they are and what they’re looking for.

Setting Yourself Apart:

By finding your own sub-niche, you distinguish yourself from others. Some make the mistake of picking niches that are too broad or tough to compete in. But here’s the good news: when you narrow down your focus, you become an authority in that space.

The Power of Specific Content:

Creating content that speaks directly to a particular audience makes them more likely to return to your site. You become their ‘go-to’ resource. Remember, the internet is a level playing field with millions of visitors every day, offering plenty of opportunities for everyone.

Awesome Sub-Niche Finding Techniques:

Now, let’s dive into some really awesome techniques for finding the perfect sub-niche. Ready? Let’s go!

Narrow down a Top Level Niche into a Sub-Level

Discovering Your Niche with Google

If you haven’t found your perfect niche yet, let’s explore some ways to generate new ideas using the internet. There are a few techniques you can use, and I’ll show you one using Google.

Step 1: Research Techniques

To discover niche ideas, you can turn to the internet. Here’s an example of a technique I use to narrow down niche categories using Google.

Step 2: Using Google Search

In the image below, I simply typed in the word ‘Fitness a’ on Google. Take a look:

How To Find a Affiliate Marketing Niche

Step 3: Narrowed Down Niche Ideas

As you can see, just by typing a simple term like ‘Fitness a,’ Google suggests a few narrowed-down niche ideas for fitness.

This is a quick and effective way to spark ideas and discover potential niches. Feel free to explore various terms related to your interests, and Google will help you narrow down your niche options. Happy brainstorming!

In the below image, I have typed ‘Fitness b’ into Google

How To Find a Affiliate Marketing Niche

I could go forth and try ‘Fitness c’ d, & e to generate more and more ideas.

I hope you see where I am going with this.

Generating Ideas with Google Alphabet Soup

Now, let’s take a deeper dive into brainstorming with Google using a technique called Alphabet Soup.

Step 1: Open Google and Type In a Topic

First things first, head to Google and type in a broad topic idea. Let’s take “Health” as an example. This is our starting point, a top-level niche category that we can explore further.

Step 2: Explore Alphabet Soup

As you begin typing “Health,” Google automatically suggests additional keywords related to health. This process is often referred to as Alphabet Soup.

Step 3: Dive Deeper into Suggestions

Check out the suggestions that appear as you type. These are variations and specific terms related to your initial topic. Each suggestion is like a letter in your Alphabet Soup, offering a mix of ideas to consider.

How To Find a Affiliate Marketing Niche

From the simple search term ‘Health,’ I can observe what people are actively searching for, such as healthcare, health and fitness, and more. This provides me with real-time subjects that could potentially become niche ideas.

Discovering Profitable Niches with Amazon

In our quest to unearth profitable niches, let’s turn our attention to the retail giant, Amazon.com. Amazon isn’t just a marketplace; it’s a goldmine of niche ideas waiting to be discovered. As we hone in on the expansive realm of Health & Fitness, we’ll embark on a journey through Amazon’s departments, exploring sub-niches and uncovering valuable insights that could shape a successful affiliate marketing strategy. Join me as we delve into the intricacies of using Amazon to find your ideal niche.

Step 1: Navigate to Amazon’s Fitness Department

Head over to Amazon.com and navigate to the Fitness Department. Here, you’ll find a treasure trove of sub-niches neatly organized within each department.

How To Find a Affiliate Marketing Niche

Step 2: Unveiling Sub-Niches

In the Sports and Fitness niche alone, you can uncover a variety of sub-niches. Take note of each one as they present potential ideas for your affiliate marketing journey.

How To Find a Affiliate Marketing Niche

Let’s say you choose Strength Training as a sub-niche. By clicking on it, you’ll unveil a multitude of products—over two thousand, in fact. This abundance opens the door for numerous product reviews on your sub-niche website.

Delving Deeper into Competitor Blogs in Your Niche

It’s not just okay; it’s crucial to peek into what others are doing in your chosen niche. Let’s take a subtle look behind the scenes. To embark on this investigative journey, head to Google and type in “YOUR NICHE + blog.” This is your ticket to uncovering the secrets of those bloggers proudly occupying the first page of Google. These websites are your direct competition, and to outrank them, you need to be better. Take a thorough look at the niche they’re honing in on – a quick glance at their top headings or sidebar can provide valuable insights into their focus. It’s time to unravel the strategies that work for them and use it to elevate your own game in the search engines.

Taking Your Niche to the Next Level: Building a Lucrative Online Business

Now that you’ve successfully identified your niche, the next steps in transforming your ideas into a lucrative online business are crucial. Let’s break down these essential steps:

  1. Establish a Website and Secure a Domain Name:
    • Lay the foundation for your online presence by creating a website with a domain name that reflects your niche.
  2. Utilize a Powerful Keyword Research Tool:
    • Invest in a reliable keyword research tool to identify strategic keywords related to your niche, optimizing your content for search engines.
  3. Hone Your Keyword Research Skills:
    • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for effective keyword research, a vital aspect of attracting your target audience.
  4. Master the Art of Creating Engaging Content:
    • Develop the ability to create informative and captivating content tailored to your specifically targeted audience.
  5. Acquire a Solid Understanding of SEO:
    • Understand the principles of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to enhance your website’s visibility and reach.
  6. Select a Reliable Website Host:
    • Choose a reputable hosting provider to ensure your website runs smoothly and is accessible to your audience.

For a comprehensive solution encompassing tools, hosting, and education tailored to your niche website needs, consider joining Wealthy Affiliate. This platform offers a wealth of resources, including fantastic four-week live case studies led by Jay, the weekly live trainer. These case studies guide you through the entire process of building a successful website from the ground up. The live case studies empower you to follow the concepts independently, thanks to the platform’s provision of all the necessary tools, hosting, and learning materials in one centralized place.

To explore this success route, don’t miss out on the opportunity to grab a free membership at Wealthy Affiliate. I’ve provided a detailed review of the platform to help you decide if it aligns with your business needs. You can sign up today and start with a free starter membership. As an active member within the platform, I am available to personally assist you in getting started.

I hope this article has guided you in finding your affiliate marketing niche. If you found it helpful, please consider sharing it with others who might benefit from the insights.



  1. Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to earn online and I have been earning through it for quite some time. 

    I have never had any regrets doing it and I am so happy that I discovered affiliate marketing, but there can never be any success in affiliate marketing without discovering what works for you and that starts with the right niche for you.

    • Hey Linus,

      Thanks for dropping in a comment. 

      Glad to hear that you have pinpointed a niche that works for you. I wish you great success.

  2. A lot of people always find it difficult in coming up with a niche idea. I don’t blame them because I too also had this issue when I first started out online. It was a real battle coming up with a niche to focus on and I spent more than a day on just this simple task.

    It should be easy coming up with a niche and I think this post has done a really good job pointing ways that can be used to come up with niche ideas. This would be really helpful. 

    • Thanks, Jay

      Yes, I agree that it can be difficult to pinpoint your niche so I hope that, as you said, this post helps people with their search for the perfect niche for them.

  3. This is a great informative and educative article. 

    Finding the right niche is the greatest step toward success in affiliate marketing. No matter how well or hard you work the result will still be zero if you are not pinpointing the right niche for you.

    Thanks to people like you who guided me right.  I was at a loss when I started my affiliate marketing journey; A jack of all trade master of none! Until I found wealthy affiliate and the rest is history today.

    • I love hearing comments like this JayKay, glad to have been a help to you. Good luck with your Affiliate journey.

  4. What an informative and educative article on tips and tricks on how to find a affiliate marketing niche.i really find each and every part of this article helpful as a newbie about to create his first website and I know many find it helpful too. From what I read online about niche is that choosing best niche for your website can bring you a lot of profit and life wise if you choose a niche you know almost nothing about can make you give up affiliate marketing as a newbie if you are not making income from it

  5. Dianne, your article was most helpful. I started blogging recently, but I want to start out with a fresh niche. But I don’t know how to go about it or the best money fetching niche. 

    I am definitely adopting that awesome method of getting the best sub niche in a niche.

    Your tip on using Google to find the most wanted niche is absolutely brilliant!! 

    • Hey Peace,

      Google is our friend in so many ways hey. 

      Every niche has many sub-niches and as long as you align yourself right and have a firm understanding of who your segment audience is, your on the right path.

      I wish you great success in finding your fresh niche.

  6. Hello, first and foremost I would like to appreciate you for this informative article on How to find an Affliate Marketing Niche. This post has been so helpful to me as I have once had a website just to help me promote my affliate product but I ran out of content and ideas because I just choose any Niche. Now I understand better how to go about it. This is a very detailed review. Thanks

  7. Hey Dianne

    Thanks for a helpful breakdown on finding a niche within affiliate marketing. Your tips and tricks are easy to follow and the images are really useful too. The alphabet soup technique is one I use constantly for my blog but I never thought of using Amazon so that’s great to know for future reference.

    Keep up the great work  and all the best in your ventures


    • Hey Teresa

      Thanks for the great feedback, I’m am glad I was able to add a tip or two into your future niche research 😉

      All the best to you too.


  8. Hello Dianne,
    It is a very useful article and a necessary one for me. Lots of information on how to find an affiliate marketing niche. Actually, I was very confused in choosing a good niche to make a successful website. I have bookmarked this page to apply it for my website. I have got a full detailed lesson here. Thank you very much for your valuable and informative tips. I got lots of motivation from this post.

    • Hey Ranao

      Glad to have been some help to you, 

      Your very welcome and good luck with your niche search.

    • Motivation is absolutely key, so this great to hear.
      Your very welcome Ranao

  9. Hi Dianne, I really appreciate you for sharing this wonderful post. 

    I’m a rookie in affiliate marketing and creating the website was easy only for me not to know what my niche would be about. 

    I wish to venture into sports but its too wide and big and I’m not sure its monetisable for me. 

    Honestly speaking, I just figured out how to go about it and break it down. 

    I am following the process of typing a word and expecting various options on google and I’m loving it. 

    Though yet to get what I will venture into I think I’m getting a clearer picture of what I would base my niche on. 

    Thanks so much for this post…👻

    • Hi RoDarrick

      Thanks for dropping by.

      Sports is a great starting point as a broad niche with endless possibilities of narrowing it down to a sub-niche within this area.

      You should think about what it is about sports that you are truly passionate about, or what would you love to learn more about yourself. Who would your targeted audience be?

      As once you begin your detailed research you are sure to release the expert in you.

      The good thing about a sub-niche within the sports industry is that you would not run out ideas for informational ‘how to’s’  blogs as well as a vast array of equipment to promote within that niche. Allowing you to successfully find a good balance between posts with affiliate links and posts that are purely helpful to your audience.

      A sports sub-niche also brings great opportunities for video creation and therefore a youtube channel.

      I wish you the best of luck and if I can be of any help to you please don’t hesitate to reach out.

  10. These are great suggestions, particularly about how to find a sub niche. I easily found my niche, self development from a spiritual perspective, because I love talking about it and my friends don’t love the subject as much as I do haha but I could talk about it every day, and therefore, I could easily type up blog posts daily. But it’s been challenging for me to determine which sub niche is the best for me. Appreciate your tips!

    • Hey Josie

      A great niche and especially as you are so passionate about the subject yourself.

      I spent five minutes looking for a sub-niche within self-development from a spiritual perspective and here are a few of the ideas I found, just by typing the word into ‘spiritual’ into google and doing a bit of alphabet soup.

      Spiritual self-defence, Spiritual self-help, Spiritual self-reflection, Spiritual self-control, Spiritual self-care, Spiritual self-help books, Spiritual self-love, Spiritual self-awareness. 

      I hope this helps you to narrow down your niche 😉

  11. Thank you for these great ideas on how to find a niche. There is so much out there that it is easy to become either overwhelmed or even make your niche too broad.

    It is a good idea to pick something you are passionate about, then the process of creating reviews and content for your website will be a lot more fun for you. If you hate football for instance, why would you want to do a bunch of articles on this topic just to sell a few balls? You will get bored after a while and give up.

    I like your idea of getting more ideas from google by typing in one word and letting it tell you what people are looking for.

    • Hey Michel

      Thanks for your valued input here.

      Using Google can really help you connect your niche ideas with what the potential audience is searching for. Thus making it a more insightful task.

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