Wealthy Affiliate the Best Way to make extra income from home

\can I Make Money in Affiliate Marketing

The best way to make extra money from home

Many people take to the internet in search of the best way to make extra money from home

So in this article I am going to introduce you to Wealthy Affiliate from a personal perspective.

I must tell you straight off that if you are looking for a get-rich-quick scheme or a shiny button where you do no work but the cash floods in,  unfortunately, you are in the wrong place.

Wealthy Affiliate is a one-stop training ground for affiliate marketers of all levels, where you create income streams as a result of following the training and applying all that you learn,  as you progress through the training.

Wealthy Affilaite Review Overview

About Wealthy Affiliate – Is It a Side Hustle That Really Works?

Wealthy Affiliate is a tried and tested learning platform with over 2million members.

An established hosting platform that began with a simple and humble origin over thirteen years ago has far exceeded its vision. It aims to be the best the internet has to offer, not only in terms of fast and secure website hosting but also in providing many new layers of insight into the online world of affiliate marketing. It accommodates learners at all levels.

What Skills will you learn…

  • Choosing and Pinpointing your Niche Market.
  • How to Purchase your Domain Names within the Platform.
  • Search Engine Optimisation & Ranking Blog Posts.
  • Finding & Leveraging Lucrative Affiliate Programs.
  • Amplifying Your Writing Skills.
  • Streamlining & Ranking on Utube.
  • E-commerce & Dropshipping.
  • Email Marketing Strategies – Writing emails that Convert.
  • Keyword Comprehension with the best affiliate marketing tool, Jaaxy
  • And much more!

So the bottom line is…

To succeed in establishing your own online brand you will be given all the tools and support that you will need,  but you must bring to the table, the determination and drive to achieve.

The best way to make extra money from home

Stay Ahead Of The Curve With The Wealthy Affiliate Training

This top-notch training is a defined process that anyone can follow and there are many styles of training available.

What’s great is that you will have access to the most up to date and appropriate information in an abundance, tailored for the driven online marketer.

In the section, I am going to show you all the training options that you can expect to find within Wealthy Affiliate (WA).

The best way to make extra money from home

The ‘Online Entrepreneur Certification’ course

Consists of 5 Levels with 50 Lessons.

These interactive lessons will keep you engaged and are very easy to follow,  grasping the essentials is easy as you are talked through each step.

As you get rolling with the starter membership (which is free) you will work through the level which is outlined in the below image.

Level one consist of ten lessons and is aimed at taking any level of starting skills right up to the heights of success!

Allowing you to familiarise yourself with the affiliate marketing concepts, the end results are;-

  • Choosing your Niche
  • Building your own Website – this takes 30 seconds!
  • Creating your first piece of website content
  • The start of your success from understanding content keywords.

The best way to make extra money from home

You learn with simple step by step video tutorials which you follow and also perform the tasks on your own website at the same time.

To give you are a better idea of the training style – get a sneak-peek of Lesson 4 Building the own Website here!

Or go straight in and check out the training in full >>here.<<

Jay’s Weekly Live Training

The Internet moves fast but so does Jay!

Techniques and strategies for building an online business change but at Wealthy Affiliate, you can get around this easily because every week a different topic is covered within an hour-long live training session with Jay (the Wealthy Affiliate Training coach).

You can take part as they happen or you can watch them on your own time after the event.The best way to make extra money from home

In the above image of Jays Live training (which I caught on playback) he posted a blog to his website live and walked us through every stage specifically focusing on the SEO (search engine optimisation).

The week before this he covered the 2019 SEO checklist. Where else would you get this kind of high-class training? 

The live events are great for getting involved especially during the popular Q&A session, which is at the end of every live session.  This is where you can get answers to your questions, via a live video feed.

There are never any up-sells,  all topics covered are engaging and current to the online world and are always very beneficial to the growth and success of your website, tailoring to beginners right up to experts.

Jay’s Live Case Study, Right From the Roots

Twice now Jay has taken brand new concepts from the beginning stages and walked us members through the process of building out successful niche websites, live. 

Don’t worry both are available to view on Catch up.

These live classes are done over a four week period with lots of insight into the proper processes of building a lucrative and sophisticated website that experts follow.

The Football Snacks Helmets concept was born and now is now a very lucrative website,  you can check it out here  footballsnackhelmets.com

Here are a few takeaways you can expect

  • Coming up with a niche from scratch
  • Purchasing the Domain Name
  • Finding Keywords that WILL rank
  • SEO Mastery
  • Finding affiliate programs with the BEST potential
  • Better user experience tips
  • A little research that makes writing content EASIER
  • Adding social value

Jay’s Live Hot Seat

Every quarter there is a hot seat class, a chance for members to have their website reviewed by an experienced marketing consultant (Jay)

The best way to make extra money from home

Taking part in these hot seats can vastly improve your rankings because points out any potential ranking elements you may have missed.

Here you can really learn what Google does and doesn’t like when it ranks websites, its a total eye-opener and should not be missed.

Everyone who watches along but is not selected to have their website viewed by Jay can take away useful tips and strategies to implement on their own websites.

Wealthy Affiliate Learning Classrooms

There is an extensive library of classes, my visual below shows how you go about choosing the topic that you are most interested in to find exactly what you are looking for.

Seriously, you can spend hours browsing these classes and become quite the expert!

The best way to make extra money from home

 Expert Members Training in the Share Zone

What is very cool is the genuine way that the community help each other at Wealthy Affiliate.

Premium members are given the privilege of creating training with has ultimately led to there being a diverse set of learning materials, from real experiences in various skills.

Different expert members have different expert skills so whatever it is that you are looking for you will find it within the platform.

best way to make extra money from home

Within your profile you can select to create tutorials, videos or courses to share with the community.

Earn cash credits for your tutorials, videos step by step courses when they reach a certain level of visits, likes and engagement. You can use your cash credits within the system on things such as comments, purchasing domains or site feedback. Or you can exchange your cash credits in for cash.

Members Success Stories – Get a feel for the potential here.

Does Wealthy Affiliate work? YES!! Are Wealthy Affiliate Members Successful? YES!!

This community has a very large array of members at different levels of success and to be successful you need to surround yourself with successful people. This platform is an exception to any other on the internet because of how the community is geared to pay-it-forward

The best way to make extra money from home

‘To be successful,  find someone who is successful and mimic what they are doing’

Here you get to do just that! But as I have already said, without hard work and determination no business will ever get off the ground.

For some serious inspiration check out some of my favourite fellow’s members and I am sure you will see why they are my favs 😉

Eddy is one of my favourite fellow members as he is not only very successful but he keeps it real.

I hang out for his updates on his own progress because he doesn’t mince his words.

It’s nothing but encouraging to hear how he has, in the past,  failed and got back up, his determination to never quit has led him to amazing success!

He also contributes great training materials which I follow avidly!

Is this guy for real, does he actually exist? – Check out his profile here

Nathaniel, and for very good reason is a very popular guy at Wealthy Affiliate. 

He has found great success with his own found online strategy and has seen some fantastic results! He shares this strategy in very generous detail. What a top guy!

I am so hyped about him that  I am going to share a link so you can dive straight into his Wealthy Affiliate profile because you really should check him out! 

On his profile, he shares his website and the total ins and out of his past two years at Wealthy Affiliate

Littlemama is a superstar among members, her chosen Niche is to promote Wealthy Affiliate and it’s just awesome how much she has achieved ($40k earned online in 2018, wowzers!) since she only joined the community in September 2016!

In 2018 her Super Affiliate status was achieved which means she has been invited to Las Vegas to rub necks with the other Wealthy Affiliates, Super Affiliates, on an amazing all expenses paid trip.

If you are interested in how you too could earn this Wealthy Affiliate Las Vegas incentive, then check out

Littlemamas profile right now, as she shares the best training based on exactly how she achieved 300 member referrals in 2018.

Is Affiliate Marketing the Best Way to Make Extra Money from Home

Below are the four simple steps of the basic foundations of any affiliate online business. You will learn this process in any niche of your choice.

By following the easy training you will progress through the stages of building your first website and learning how to monetize that website.

The best way to make extra money from home

At Wealthy Affiliate you are told exactly how it is, there are no false promises of instant riches. What you put IN is what you are will get back OUT. Simple as that!

There are many ways that building a sophisticated, successful & high ranking website can earn you many streams of passive incomes but the most proven and successful way is through Affiliate Marketing.

I really need to emphasise here that simply becoming a free member of this community and not taking action on what you have learned will lead to NOWHERE!

But by applying everything you learn and committing yourself you have the potential to be a Successful Online Marketer.

You can read my article on Creating Your Own Online Business here

If you want to get more details on what Affiliate Marketing is then you can;-

>>Read my 4 step guide to Affiliate Marketing here!<<

With a minimum wage work ethic, you cannot expect to reap the rewards of a professional lifestyle.

The Wealthy Affiliate Membership Options

There are just two levels of membership at Wealthy Affiliate.

So no hidden agenda’s and no up-sells involved.

I recommend that you join as a Free Member (as I did) and begin your training and networking,  fully immerse yourself with the finest, in the industry.

For the first seven days, you get the premium membership in full.

The full experience which will allow you to decide if upgrading to Premium is for you or chose not to upgrade based on your own finding and needs.

The best way to make extra money from home

But as you can see the Premium Membership is weirdly cheap considering the benefits that come with it.

At just $49 per month,

Its the full exclusive package, that’s just a fraction of what you would pay for other platforms.

This is measly $0.98 cents per day!

the best way to make extra money from home

There are three payment options available so grabbing great savings is totally possible.

My bonuses for you!

  • Upgrade in the first 7 days and benefit from the first month discounted at $19.
  • With the annual membership at only $359 for the whole year, that’s a whopping saving and works out just around 82cents a day!
  • For the first seven days, you benefit from the premium members features to allow you to have a taster of the full benefits.

My Reassurances!

  • There is NO obligation to become a Premium Member -Remains at a Free Member if you like.
  • With NO given time frame that you must make this decision.
  • Premium Membership can be cancelled at any time. No Contractual Obligations.


Support at Wealthy Affiliate – Never Feel Alone!

Being a part of a community with over 1.4 million members your never feel alone. This community is one that feeds off each other and therefore, drives forward success.

Here are a few of the ways that members can reach out to each other and the founders for assistance at any time.

  • Contact the Owners Where else can you contact the owners for 1 on 1 coaching. Kyle & Carson established Wealthy Affiliate back in 2005 and have always remained very much part of the community. Look out for them they are always around.
  • Ask the Community – Submit your question to the community and you will be nicely surprised at the array of advice and guidance you are offered.
  • Contact Me Anyone who I invite can reach out to me from inside the community platform anytime.
  • Live Chat Ask the community in the live chat is going 24/7. Pop a question in here and you will get an abundance of live answers and opinions from member’s of all levels.
  • Site Support This is where all the tech stuff is looked after, you never need to worry about technical hurdles. Were not all IT guru’s and that’s fine because the Wealthy Affiliate Tech Team have that part covered. Phew!
  • Search for Help Toolbar Within your profile you will find a ‘help bar’ this is useful if you are looking for a particular subject that you want to cover more closely.

The Website Comments Feature

Comments on your post lead to increased rankings for a couple of reasons.

Engagement means that your post offers value and Google likes that.

Comments are also an extension of possible keywords to rank for within your content.

You’re encouraged to offer comments and opinions on other member’s website posts.

Also ask for comments in return.

I put aside a small amount of time each day to offer comments to other members on their blogs.

I also request comments as soon as publish a post to my website

See my Wealthy Affiliate, comments profile below

This is a great feature allowing you to earn a bit of cash which you can use towards your membership or cash it into your bank.

Getting In & Getting Started – Here is How I Got Rolling

I found Wealthy Affiliate through my Instagram Account,  it was free to check it out so I jumped straight in.

Joining as a ‘free starter member’ by only providing my email address,  I had my own profile account within seconds.

I did not part with a penny and you should not either.

After the initial tour had me hooked, I wasted no time and began the training, following the walkthrough steps.

I set up my first Niche website on the first day and I now have two separate business ventures to keep me busy.

One year into and I jump out of bed each morning excited to work for myself.

Every dollar I make is as exciting as the first.

the best way to make money from home

I personally upgraded my membership 

It’s .98 cents a day and if I offer the community comments each day am paid for it and that covers my subscription

Fancy just jumping straight in and creating your own profile as a free member? 

Go Premium In The First 7 days – To Get a Bonus from Me to You!

Heres a special bonus.

Go Premium in the first 7 days of joining you will benefit from 50% of the first month’s membership.

Plus I will personally send you a ‘Diamond Traffic Bonus’ guide.https://www.wealthyaffiliate.com/a_aid/27320545/campaign/sidehustler

I hope you found my Review of Wealthy Affiliate helpful.

Just pop your comments below in the comments for me to get back to you.

I look forward to welcoming you on the inside of the platform and to also help you get started.

All the best and see you at the Top!



  1. Hey Dianne,

    I’ve really enjoyed reading this article as you’ve provided us with tonnes of valuable information on Wealthy Affiliate. From my perspective, I tend to think that Wealthy Affiliate is one of the best affiliate marketing training platforms in the world. There’s no other website which can compete with WA as they offer too many features for that price tag.

    The best part of the community is getting help 24/7. Whenever you’re stuck in something, there’s always someone holding your hand to guide you through the process. 

    Thanks a lot for taking your time in writing this blog. Keep up the good work Dianne!

    • Hey

      Its great to hear you are enjoying the benefits of Wealthy Affiliate.

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

  2. Very comprehensive and detailed review. I do like what I’m seeing here. However, with so many scams on the internet, I have to be skeptical. What makes Wealthy Affiliate different from all those scams?

    Are there any hidden costs or upsell? I guess it doesn’t hurt to give the free membership a try.

    thanks for sharing.

    • Hi Wei

      The good thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that every new joiner is given a premium membership for the first 7 days. 

      This is so that you can really see for yourself all that is involved and asses the platforms for yourself. I think that speaks volumes for a platform that is genuine.

      Everything is included in the premium membership which works out at 0.98cent a day with zero upsells.

  3. Hi Dianne, I must say that you have aptly summarized what Wealthy Affiliate is all about in this your review. I have been on WA for sometimes now, everything you have written about WA correlates with what I have experienced so far.

    I have been able to accomplish a lot, the training on the platform is superb and the community members are wonderful people, ever ready to assist members to overcome their challenge.

    The live training by Jay has been a great means of keeping up with the ever changing world of internet. You did great with your review on WA, keep it up.

    • Hi there Gracen

      Thanks for your input, I am glad that you are benefiting from all that Wealthy Affiliate has to offer to accomplish your goals.

  4. I want to say a big thank you for taking out the time to write this article about Wealthy Affiliate,  It is incredibly informative. 

    Apart from making extra money from home, you can still make money from the confine of your office when you are less busy.

    I am on the wealthy affiliate platform and I am always online even when I am at home or in the office because the nature of my job in the office permits it. 

    And seriously, I am learning and getting all the help I need on wealthy affiliate 

    • This is a great point, Barry, 

      When I first joined Wealthy Affiliate I too was employed full time and so I would jump onto the platform throughout my day whenever I could, it is especially great for those who have long commutes, its a perfect time to catch up on some training.

  5. Thanks for sharing this article on wealthy affiliate. Your article is really insightful and helpful. 

    I agree with you that Wealthy affiliate is a platform to be when it comes to learning about online business in the area of affiliate marketing, blogging etc. 

    I have been on the platform now for over two weeks and I am loving being exposed to the training and courses that will teach me how to earn online. 

    Everything in your post about wealthy affiliate is correct. Thanks for sharing this article. Good job. 

    • Hey Olalekan

      Thanks for your comment, it makes me think back to my first two weeks as a member at Wealthy Affiliate. 

      As you begin to progress into the first stages of the training it’s really exciting as you realise the potential and all that you will be learning, I was certainly hooked from day one and have never looked back.

  6. Hello Dianne, I absolutely love what I read in this insightful article because it is full of great information. This is fascinating and interesting to me. You really have said everything about the wealthy affiliates program, 

    I am a proud member of WA. I was taught when I joined the platform on how to be a successful affiliate marketer, own a niche and start a blog site. 

    Wealthy Affiliate is really interesting and very helpful. 

    Thanks for the review. Regards 

    • Thanks for your great feedback. It’s great to hear other prospectives on Wealthy Affilaite.

  7. I have been a member of wealthy affiliate but recently came to know about Jays live webinar. 

    It is one of the best things an online entrepreneur can do for themselves when they decide to take part in these webinars. 

    A lot of very useful and current information is given out that would be of great benefit to anyone that decides to be a part of these webinars. 

    This is just one of the awesome reasons to be a part of this platform. A lot can be learned that would greatly benefit anyone with a website. 

    You don’t need to go through your online journey alone. You can get help by being a part of this platform and the community is ready to help whenever you are facing any difficulties.

    • Hi Jay

      Very well said, I could not agree with you more.

      Jay’s webinars are so well thought through and planned out that they take on a journey with your own website as you follow along each week and build your enterprise. 

      Its exciting to see all that you implement improving your rankings and ultimate goals.

  8. Wealthy Affiliate is about the most legitimate online money making a business out there. 

    They give you a lot of resources and education as a free member. I know someone who has been making a steady income from mostly the knowledge and opportunities that came from being a free member of Wealthy Affiliate. Upgrading to premium membership gives you more value for your money than any other program that I have come across.

    I would say that anyone who is working in affiliate marketing that isn’t on Wealthy Affiliate is missing so much already. 

    The Jaxxy Keyword tool being included is another unique part with Wealthy Affiliate, I seriously doubt that any other hosting platform provides the kind of value that Wealthy Affiliate does. Kyle and Carson are just great entrepreneurs and leaders.

    • Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment Vapz.

      Another happy Wealthy Affiliate member, they really are leading the industry! Everything you need to build a successful lucrative online business is included here.

  9. Thanks for this post, wealthy affiliate rocks, I have zero regrets of joining, it’s truly one of the best online marketing sites I’ve ever seen. It’s the right place for entrepreneurs, it’s easy and flexible, if you choose a nice niche and build your site around it, you will surely see positive results.

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